Flash Builder 4.5: How to run an application on an Archos internet tablet

This tutorial aims to explain you how to debug an AS/Flex mobile application on an Google Android device (here an Archos internet tablet) with Flash Builder 4.5 over the USB interface. This procedure will allow you to save a lot of time in order to simplify the testing process in real conditions (Instead of compiling the application, copy the apk on the device, install it and run it each time you want test your application).

  • Preparing your Google Android to enable the USB debugging

To run and debug applications AS / Flex directly on a Google Android device you must first enable the USB debugging. To do this take your device and follow the instructions below:

  • Unplug your USB cable if connected.
  • Go to the home and press Menu > Settings > Application > Development.

View displaying the USB Debugging option

  • Then activate the “USB Debugging“.
  • After connect the device to your computer using a USB cable.

View displaying the USB Notification Panel

  • Extend the notification area on your phone (press top of the screen on your GS and slide it down). You should see an indication which is kind of “USB connected” or “USB connection”.

View displaying the mass storage activation

  • Press the “USB connected” and verify that the mass-storage mode is disabled.
  • Download the Archos internet tablet drivers

Now we will download the Archos internet tablet USB drivers and add the vendor id to the Android SDK’s file namely adb_usb.ini:

Windows command prompt with the command line

  • To finish run the Windows Command Prompt and put this line:
    • echo 0x0e79 >> "%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini"
  • Install the USB Archos ADB driver for Windows

We still to install the driver in order to allow Windows to recognize the device and to communicate with it. To do that:

  • Firstly connect your Android device on an USB port of your computer.
  • Then make a right-click on the “Computer” folder from the desktop or from the Windows explorer and choose “Manage“.
  • After open the “Device Manager” in the left side panel.

Device Manager Window

  • Locate and expands “Other Devices” in the right panel.
  • After make a right-click on the device name (normally A101it) and select “Update Drivers…“.

Update Driver Software Window

  • Select “Browse my computer for driver software“, click on “Browse…” and then locate the folder of the USB drivers previously downloaded.

Update Driver Software Security Window

  • To finish click on “Next…” to install the driver. Install the driver software anyway if a security popup is displayed.

Voilà, now your Windows could communicate your Android device with.

Now we are going to test that everything works properly:

  • Firstly open one of your AS/Flex mobile projects or create one.
  • Then go to the menu Run > “Debugs configuration…“.
  • After create a new “Mobile Application” configuration.

Flash Builder Debugs Configuration Window

  • Remember to select “Google Android” in the “Target Platforms” section and the “On Device” into the “Launch Method” (Select the “Debug via USB” option).
  • To finish click on “Debug“.

A popup should open and ask you to choose the device on which you want to run the application.

Flash Builder Connected Android Device List

Select your device and click on OK (If there is nothing try to refresh the list, otherwise if you make the manipulation for the first time try to reboot your PC to allow Windows to take in charge the driver).

Box2D Flash AS3 Example

(Box2DFlashAS3 Example)

Well, now your application should run correctly in debug mode on your Android device.

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